Excellence in Sustainability Awards
Originally Aired - Sunday, April 14 | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM PT
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The NAB Show Excellence in Sustainability Awards recognizes individuals, companies, and products/services for outstanding innovations in media technology that promote sustainability and foster economic and social development. Awards will be presented by Shira Lazar during a special ceremony on the Main Stage at NAB Show on April 14. The ceremony will include a panel discussion, as well as NAB and AWS donation presentation to a charity. Award Categories include: Learn more about the program and submit your own entry. After, join us for: Exploring HBO’s True Detective Night Country: A Discussion on Sustainability in Modern Production, an insightful discussion that explores the intersection of the acclaimed television series HBO's True Detective Night Country and the modern principles of sustainability in production. The event will feature an exclusive interview with Executive Producer Mari Jo Winkler-Ioffreda, offering unique insights into the show's approach to sustainability. True Detective Night Country, known for its gripping narratives and cinematic visuals, has also been praised for its commitment to sustainable production practices. From program to reducing carbon footprints fuel use to minimizing food surplus on set, the series has embraced environmentally conscious strategies without compromising its creative vision. The session will discuss the innovative methods employed by True Detective Night Country to promote sustainability throughout its production process, including renewable energy usage, waste reduction initiatives, and the incorporation of green technologies in filmmaking. Engage in a thought-provoking discussion on the role of sustainability in modern television production as we explore the intersection of art, storytelling, and environmental responsibility.