The Hierarchy of Latency

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Originally Aired - Sunday, April 14   |   3:20 PM - 3:40 PM PT

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Everyone wants to enable the use of hybrid, distributed, flexible decentralized live audio workflows in the cloud and centralized facilities.   However, the speed of light gets in the way, and the audio delays that result from inter-city, inter-region and global operations are significant enough to deny straightforward live operation.   

How to solve this problem?  We can't fight physics and go faster than light.  Must we give up the promise of remote workflows?

This presentation outlines a perspective of how to adapt to the remote time of flight for live audio workflows. By breaking down each layer of the workflow and examining the critical maximum latency that is usable at each layer, results in the so-called "Hierarchy of Latency", to guide the construction of new remote workflows.

Presented as part of:

Radio Topics


Greg Shay
The Telos Alliance