Beyond the Frame: Celebrating Authentic Expression

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Originally Aired - Wednesday, April 17   |   12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PT

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At the heart of the human experience is the profound desire to share authentic stories and have one's voice heard. Storj presents an exclusive screening featuring Telly Award-winning content that amplifies diverse voices and sustainable narratives.  Immerse yourself in compelling storytelling and witness how innovative technology empowers authentic expression.

After the screening, enjoy celebratory libations and discussions with fellow creators, industry leaders, and Telly Awards and Storj representatives. Reflect on the takeaways from the show and explore the intersection of creativity, inclusivity, and sustainability. Don’t miss this unique networking opportunity to share insights, exchange ideas, and forge valuable connections for future collaborations.

About Telly Awards
Founded in 1979, The Telly Awards honors excellence and video across television and video, and is a longtime NAB partner. Receiving over 12,000+ entries a year across branded content, television, non-broadcast, online and social media, the Telly Awards has a vantage point on the trends and technologies shaping the industry.

About Storj
Storj is redefining the cloud to support the future of media workflows—sustainably and economically. Storj leverages the vast global supply of underutilized resources to deliver services with better security, durability and performance. Go from Set to Edit to Review to Archive with cloud storage that is typically 80-90% less than what you currently pay.


Kent Blosil
Jordan Maltby
Shadow Magic Studios
Amanda Needham
Managing Director
The Telly Awards
Trisha Winter