A Framework for Efficient Data Scripting in High-Volume Sports Graphics Workflows

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Originally Aired - Tuesday, April 16   |   10:40 AM - 11:00 AM PT

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Streaming massive volumes of data through API connections, sports data providers offer broadcasters and other content producers an extraordinary wealth of information — thousands of real-time data points from dozens of sports — they can integrate into graphics to engage more deeply with fans. However, managing the sheer amount of data coming in from these APIs can prove challenging. How can broadcasters ensure access to their mobile operators at a time when secure IT networks are paramount? How can an art department effectively implement vast amounts of data into graphics without falling into an endless loop of repetitive design tasks?

In this presentation, Chyron Senior Solutions Architect David Mayer will outline a framework that employs open-source, high-performance JavaScript engines to create easily repurposable scripting components that tackle the primary challenges broadcasters face in combining real-time data APIs with dynamic graphics packages. To illustrate the efficiency of these scripting frameworks, the presentation will include real-world examples of data-driven graphics workflows in place with major sports broadcasters today.

The first challenge is providing the latest data to graphics operators who travel from site to site for different games. Without the guarantee of constant access to data — whether due to network security or lack of a connection — the operator can use this framework to pull down just the subset of data needed, save it locally in an offline database, and then manually update the pre-populated information or use a local partner to “talk back” and update the local database with any fresh information.

The second challenge is translating high volumes of data into repurposable graphics templates, rather than putting an art department through a mind-numbing exercise of duplication of graphics for each league, team, and player. Through the creation of intermediary utility scripting components, broadcaster graphics packages can reference data API values to automatically fulfill visual elements such as logos, text values, headshots, colors, and more. By managing these operations at the scripting level rather than a scene-design level, broadcasters can scale their efforts across multiple sports and programs with the same script.

On the back end, the result is a hybrid database that stores API data, but also standalone flat copies of data for use by mobile operators. The raw sports data from an API mixes seamlessly with the unique visual assets and brand styling that graphic designers want to see from their packages - enabling the rapid creation of new packages by reusing these prebuilt scripts.

On the front end, the scripting automation behind the graphics package provides playout operators with extremely rapid controls and split-second live data for fast-paced, story-dynamic sports productions. Without exposing operators to the complex back-end programming, broadcasters can provide playout operators with intuitive control interfaces that adapt to selected leagues and games, populate with simple dropdowns for team/player highlights, and enable rapid hotkey commands for fetching the right stat graphic for on-air storytelling. 

Data is at the heart of modern sports storytelling. With the efficient scripting framework shown in this presentation, broadcasters can make massive amounts of data readily available to their team and vastly simplify every step of the graphics process - from design to playout.

Presented as part of:

Video Technologies


David Mayer
Senior Solution Architect
Nikole McStanley
Product Portfolio Director