Unscripted Evolution: How AI is Reshaping Reality TV and Documentaries

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Originally Aired - Monday, April 15   |   11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PT

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AI is set to transform the entire entertainment industry. While generative video and voices will soon disrupt scripted film and television, documentaries will always be defined by their key elements — they’re real. But that doesn’t mean AI can’t help unscripted creators tell better stories, faster and cheaper (finally smashing that iron triangle).

Our panel will discuss the exceptional and exciting AI technologies transforming reality TV and documentary today, and the new forms of unscripted content they’ll unleash in the near future. We may even answer the burning questions on everyone’s minds: Will AI solve the mystery of Real Housewife Monica Garcia’s troll account? (it will) And can it make a Ken Burns photo pan even more buttery? (spoiler: it can).


Andy Beach
Chief Technology Officer, Media and Entertainment
Megan Chao
VP, Development and Production
Birman Productions, Inc.
Irad Eyal
Quickture and Haymaker West
Oz Krakowski
Chief Business Development Officer


Lori H. Schwartz
CEO and Founder