SMPTE IMF UG: Mastering QC Efficiency - Leveraging IMF to Prevent Repeated Failures

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Originally Aired - Sunday, April 14   |   12:15 PM - 12:45 PM PT

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Discover the game-changing potential of Interoperable Master Format in revolutionizing quality control processes at this SMPTE IMF User Group session. As QC costs soar and failures become increasingly costly, the imperative to avoid rejections from known issues has never been greater. Learn how IMF packages, with their ability to carry machine-readable QC reports synchronized with associated programs, effectively mitigate such risks, even in complex multi-vendor workflows.

Join a panel of experts to explore how IMF adoption can dramatically enhance QC efficiency, minimize errors, and streamline operations across diverse vendor environments. Introduction provided via video by Andrew Dunne (BBC).

Whether you're a QC professional, content creator, or industry stakeholder, this session offers invaluable insights into optimizing QC workflows and maximizing ROI.


Fereidoon Khosravi
Chief Business Development Officer
Venera Technologies
Laurence Stoll
Marquise Technologies
Raymond Yeung
Head of Content Standards
Amazon MGM Studios


Pierre Anthony Lemieux
Sandflow Consulting