Kerö, Nikolaus

Kerö, Nikolaus

Senior Systems Engineer at Oregano Systems

Nikolaus Kerö received a master’s degree in communication engineering with distinction from the Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria. After graduating, he led the ASIC design division at the University’s Institute of Industrial Electronics, successfully managing numerous research projects and industry  collaborations. His research activities centered on distributed systems design, especially highly accurate and fault-tolerant clock synchronization. In 2001, he cofounded Oregano Systems Design & Consulting Ltd., Vienna, Austria, as a university spin-off. While offering embedded systems design services to customers, Oregano transferred the group’s research results into a complete product suite for highly accurate clock synchronization under the brand name syn1588, for which he manages both development and marketing. Oregano Systems is located in Vienna, Austria; in 2019 it has been acquired by Meinberg. He is an active member of the IEEE 1588 standardization committee and the SMPTE 32NF standards group and holds frequent seminars on clock synchronization for both industry and academia. 

Timing Solutions for Broadcasters
Sunday, April 14 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PT
Is Synchronous Ethernet a Must Have or just a Gimmick for the Broadcasting Industry?
Sunday, April 14 1:50 PM - 2:10 PM PT