Grindle, David

Grindle, David

Executive Director at SMPTE

David Grindle joined SMPTE as Executive Director in 2022. Bringing more than a decade of non-profit executive experience, he is excited to join the Society as it enters its second century. He is focused on energizing the SMPTE membership worldwide emphasizing the global network with local connections.

Prior to his term at SMPTE he led the United States Institute for Theatre Technology taking them through a period of growth in programming and member services. During his tenure there he oversaw the institution of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives that resulted in increased representation in presenters and leadership of the organization. He built relationships with partner organizations in Europe, Africa, and Asia resulting in beneficial relationships for members that grew business and academic partnerships. He used the association to build bridges between academia and industry resulting in strong pipelines for employment and engagement.

He holds the Certified Association Executive (CAE) certification from the American Society of Association Executives. He is active in ASAE and the international Association of Exhibitions and Events. He was selected for the IAEE Krakoff Leadership Seminar.

He is a frequent speaker on non-profit management and theatre management across the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, China, Australia, and New Zealand. He has taught courses at Indiana University, The National Institute of Dramatic Arts (Australia), LeMoyne College, and
Michigan Technical University.